En direct

Conversation entre Hélène Chaigneau et Joséphine Norah-Puel : lecture collective de l’entretien intitulé “Propos sur la clinique”, édité en 2011 par Campagne Première dans Soigner la folie.

Pour cette troisième lecture collective à voix haute, nous avons choisi d’approfondir la rencontre avec Hélène Chaigneau, en lisant cet entretien fleuve, mené par la psychologue Joséphine Norah-puel lors de seize retrouvailles entre 1988 et 1989 avec cette psychiatre, figure majeure de la Psychothérapie institutionnelle. Dans ce texte, Chaigneau déploie des concepts façonnés par l’expérience et le quotidien auprès des malades tels que les gratifications indiscrètes, l’hémorragie du moi, l’intimisme ou encore l’historial, et les met en dialogue avec les notions de travail en équipe dans le service public, ses monstruosités organisationnelles, les rapports de forces qui s’y jouent, les questions de place, de hiérarchie, de prises d’initiative et de circulation de la parole.

Lecteur.ices : Julien Berret, Agathe Boulanger, Laurent Bouzanquet, Muriel Bucher, Anna Carlier, Sarah Chaumette, Sybille Chevreuse, Frédéric Danos, Cécile Drnovsek, Linda de Zitter, Pierre Finkielstein, Anne Grinfeld,Carine Lendrin, Gaëlle Marais, Léna Monnier, Paola Pellagali, Élodie Royer, Graziela Susin, Clément Vaissié, Carine Zuber.

Remerciements : Joséphine Nohra-Puel, Frédéric Elbaz, responsable édition Éditions Campagne Première, Lise Gaignard, Jean-Louis Giovannoni, Cécile Drnovsek.

Enregistrement en direct au studio *Duuu le 25 octobre 2024

Radia show 918 : Shadowside Of Sound (Worm)
Radio WORM
Radia (8)
Radia (8)

A radiopiece by Coolhaven
SHADOWSIDE OF SOUND is an ongoing project, dedicated to works by Rotterdam composers, known and unknown, who have fallen into oblivion. Progressive or conservative. Fairly or unfairly; that will determine history. As you know, there are various points of view regarding whether or not acceptance is there. In general, it can be assumed that the circuit must have the power to handle the work. The other view is a chimera of the one who gives himself a stunning victory before playing time is up.

In this radiopiece, especially constructed for the Radia Network, we focus on Julie Bruins Rampart. Coolhaven was already deeply involved in her work when they discovered the existence of her twins, Sybille and Plasma, who never really ‘met ‘her mother (after they were born that is) and were raised in Devon, UK. Coolhaven went there to interview the twins. The radiopiece exists of the interview and some of Rampart’s re-interpreted works by Coolhaven.

Julie Bruins Rampart (1922-2005) In her free evening hours, Julie Bruins Rampart composed lustily. Initially, her favorite instrument was the great Baroque flute. We see this instrument in most of her compositions. This changed later when she discovered the possibilities of the electric guitar-sound.Sometimes solo, but often in combination with other instrumentation. What makes Bruins Rampart’s work attractive are the often complex gesticular additions that her works contain. She often stages the performers in a tableau vivant and does not shy away from acting unorthodox. Her work was dismissed as amateurish, a-musical and immoral. Bruins Rampart was active in the VSSM (Study Group Sadomasochism Association) in Rotterdam. The VSSM regularly organizes game meetings. Bruins Rampart strived for inclusiveness. Her series of compositions seem to be based on various agreements and putting them into practice; the so-called “play”. In that sense, her works could be interpreted as politically emancipatory erotic pamphlets. Bruins Rampart came from the PvdA circles that believed in the makeable world at the time. Moralistic, socially critical and also formative.

Interviewers : Coolhaven
Sybille & Plasma Guy ; Lucinda & Catherine
Interview recorded by Soundart Radio, thanks to Chris Booth.
Music : Julie Bruins Rampart, played by Coolhaven
This is a Worm/Klangendum production

Une émission proposée par Radio WORM pour le réseau Radia.fm.