En direct

Tout au long de son dernier semestre d’existence, l’ésad Valenciennes organise un cycle de rencontres radiodiffusé sur la fin de l’école, en partenariat avec *Duuu Radio.

Ces temps se voudront un espace de réflexion qui accompagnera les actions du corps pédagogique et scolaire sur cette fin qui approche, une absence qui se creuse, les luttes passées et un deuil à venir. Il s’agit de créer des moments de partage et de soutien au sein d’une communauté élargie, de faire l’expérience de fermeture.

Comment bien fermer une école d’art #1 : Le grand saut dans le vide
Sophie Coiffier en discussion avec Sébastien Biniek, Florian Bulou Fezard et Elizabeth Hale

Pour tenter d’y voir plus clair dans ce chaos qui n’en est pas un, voir plutôt d’y trouver les mots, nous nous tournons vers Sophie Coiffier pour démarrer ce cycle de rencontre. Dans son dernier roman, L’exercice du skieur, paru chez L’ire des marges en 2024, il est question des récits qui accompagnent nos paysages en transformation. La lecture de ces paysages disparaissants nous sert alors de métaphore puis de tremplin afin de considérer la transmutation du paysage des écoles d’art et de design territoriales.

En direct mardi 21 janvier à 19h sur *Duuu depuis l’ésad Valenciennes

Media Illiteracy
Montez Press Radio
*Duuu x Montez Press Radio (3)
*Duuu x Montez Press Radio (3)

Media Illiteracy

Une compilation de sons, extraits, musique et conversations d’émissions diffusés sur Montez Press Radio.
*Duuu et Montez Press Radio s’associent pour partager chaque mois une sélection d’émissions sur leurs ondes respectives.

In the heat of an argument with an old friend you realize you’ve agreed all along. You attempt to express this agreement, but it’s too late, they don’t believe the change in tone is genuine. You’ve already used some choice words but they were all so imprecise. Are we speaking the same language? A long attempt to start over with samples from old Montez segments including a sermon from the Church of World Peace, Ceyda Oskay asking Uber drivers (immigrants) to sing lullabies, and an excerpt from Constance De Jong reading from Modern Love. We learn it wasn’t our faults, blame the tools, stop fetishizing obsolete technology and innovative design and just offer someone in the room a seltzer. There’s a radio play by Jutta Koether’s students at the HFBK Hamburg, the sound of canned seltzer, Sam Korman’s In Conclusion: A Review of Reviews on Amy Sillman’s show at the new MoMA, Seth Price’s ‘We Are Writing a Book’, Douglas Kearney, Andrew Lampert on Isolated Field Recordings from Issue Project Room under Kayla Guthrie and an old friend trying to remember how they met online pre-Myspace and again in the magazine section of a bookstore. A snippet from Alex Bag’s “Hyper Pop Culture Parody Diaper Surprise”, then gen-z hyper-pop Kitten’s “Daddy Don’t Take My Phone Away,” DripReport falls in love with Sketchers, but she doesn’t want you.

“Why this Kolaveri Di?” translates to “why this murderous rage against me?” (I think), Dhanush, Shruti Anirudh are asking white girls. All Gas No Breaks at a furry con, Ayesha Erotica, Beat Kidz on Wall Street asking grown-ups who they’ve exploited today, Gretchen Bender’s “Artificial Treatment”, a local news anchor can’t figure out the right tone to deliver the bad news (but it’s not really funny). Sharing is learning but not always, Atrocity Guides tells us about someone who thought they could learn to be a soldier online and tries it out in Libya, without bothering to enlist. Tech fueled delusions of grandeur can go both ways. DJKenn tells us, in a very cool accent, how he moved to Chicago from Japan, without much English, and coincidentally meets Chief Keef’s uncle on the street and then begins to produce for them. Terry Allen’s country ballad “Truck Load of Art” recalls a partially failed attempt to export NYC cosmopolitanism to those with less fortunate taste. A friend of Montez Press Radio reads from Jay Chung and Q Takeki Maeda’s “Bad Driver” PDFs, wondering where these Asian stereotypes even come from, and realizing fake news isn’t anything new. Over Yuja Wang on the piano.

Gonpo Singh the mysterious South Asian ‘digital nomad’ asks if babies are aware of America’s existence. Then a recording of a flat earther arguing with gallerists at Carriage Trade. An Alternative history of MSG (it’s never been bad for you), audio from Aleksandra Domanovic’s video “Turbo Sculpture” explaining why Eastern European cities enjoy public sculptures of Western celebrities. Shanzhai Lyric reads from a giant pile of Asian graphic t-shirts that yearn to make sense to Western sensibilities. Whatever-new-age-y ambient music under readings from Glenn O’Briens “Like Art”, a collection of his long running columns in Art Forum where he reviewed advertisements. Micheal Craig-Martin on Audio-Arts Volume 1, Number 2, Side A. Angela Bullouch – Trip To America-Dye Hair, Julia Scher – Wonderland Bounce. Is this too much information? Next a YouTuber teaches us how to speed read, and then Ursula K. Le Guin & Todd Barton’s “Music and Poetry of the Kesh”, ethno-musicology for a future civilization. And then more from Gonpo.

Each month, Montez Press Radio and *Duuu radio share shows on each other’s airwaves.

An offshoot of Montez Press, Montez Press Radio was founded in 2018 with the goal of fostering greater experimentation and conversation between artists, writers, and thinkers through the medium of radio. This platform is an experiment in broadcasting and community building which allows different corners of the art world to interact with each other in person and on air—a place where media finally meets flesh.