En direct

Tout au long de son dernier semestre d’existence, l’ésad Valenciennes organise un cycle de rencontres radiodiffusé sur la fin de l’école, en partenariat avec *Duuu Radio.

Ces temps se voudront un espace de réflexion qui accompagnera les actions du corps pédagogique et scolaire sur cette fin qui approche, une absence qui se creuse, les luttes passées et un deuil à venir. Il s’agit de créer des moments de partage et de soutien au sein d’une communauté élargie, de faire l’expérience de fermeture.

Comment bien fermer une école d’art #1 : Le grand saut dans le vide
Sophie Coiffier en discussion avec Sébastien Biniek, Florian Bulou Fezard et Elizabeth Hale

Pour tenter d’y voir plus clair dans ce chaos qui n’en est pas un, voir plutôt d’y trouver les mots, nous nous tournons vers Sophie Coiffier pour démarrer ce cycle de rencontre. Dans son dernier roman, L’exercice du skieur, paru chez L’ire des marges en 2024, il est question des récits qui accompagnent nos paysages en transformation. La lecture de ces paysages disparaissants nous sert alors de métaphore puis de tremplin afin de considérer la transmutation du paysage des écoles d’art et de design territoriales.

En direct mardi 21 janvier à 19h sur *Duuu depuis l’ésad Valenciennes

Radia Show 929 : Untime Therapy: The Art Of Detuning
Radia (19)
Radia (19)

There is a saying: Time heals all wounds. Which is not true anyway. But even worse: what if time itself makes you sick?

Indeed, there are many time-related illnesses with a broad spectrum of symptoms to suffer from: from paranoia to trauma, from mania to depression, from light vertigo over heavy nausea to complete breakdown under the massive pressures of time. So you feel unruly, sleepless, tired and still breathless? Or over-excited, stressed and still bored? And/or completely out of synch?
Well: this is probably due to some unhealthy intake and/or experience of time.

Perhaps you have already asked yourself: what can I do? Is there any remedy, a therapy for me? How can I tune in and synchronize again, to be in time and in harmony with time?

So what should you do? Or are these the wrong questions anyway? Let us find out…

Please note: This transmission is not to be confused with a therapy session or any other kind of therapy-related psychic or psychoanalytic treatment. It deals with alternate artistic perspectives on the subject matter.

is radio on time. Since Summer 2010, a series of radio shows is being produced as part of the TIME BENDING CLOCK project, a transdisciplinary research in the fields of art, media, cultural history and the history of sciences on theories and practices of alternate methods and techniques of clocking time. TBC RADIO encompasses a variety of formats and shows in German and English language. TBC RADIO is produced by GUNSTradio.

Find out more about TIME BENDING CLOCK RADIO at www.gunst.info

The first edition of this TBC RADIO episode has been developed for the OSCILLATION FESTIVAL 2021, “Tuned Circuits : Attuning – Feedback – Detuning”, and more specifically for the festival’s focus section “Detuning”. Great many thanks to the folks from Q-O2 laboratory for experimental music and sound art for their invitation and for the inspiration!