En direct

En direct sur *Duuu Radio : Table ronde PERFORMISSIMA

Le 18 octobre de midi à minuit le Centre Wallonie Bruxelles/Paris devient un vaisseau de la performance. Pour mieux comprendre ce que ce mot veut dire et vous convaincre de venir vivre ce marathon d’art vivants, Amélie Blaustein Niddam, sera en direct demain sur les ondes *Duuu. Elle recevra les artistes Gerald Kurdian, Lou Fauroux, Felix Touzalin, Stephanie Pécourt, directrice du CWB et Caterina Zevola, commissaire du festival PERFORMISSIMA.

Radia Show 922 : The Weekly Dream Report Omnibus by Hethre Contant and Jon Panther
Radia (12)
Radia (12)

Here is a collage of various “live” stream sessions from the studio and street events at 107 Redfern NSW. During these happenings we enjoy improvised sonic performances, interactions with anyone or anything from anywhere on the planet and whatever we might fancy as the mood takes us – exploring the possibilities of radio-space via telephones, walkie-talkies, computers, deep sea cables, whatever paraphernalia comes to hand and August Black’s telematic browser app Mezcal.

We feel this slice of sound captures the “spirit of adventure” and the surreal chaos of our endeavours…

Had any amusing dreams recently? 107Difffusion is proudly a Wave Farm transmit partner so you can enjoy checking in with us and sharing on Saturdays around 11ish AEST…. And don’t forget – the artist asleep is the artist at work!

Une émission proposée par 107Diffusion pour le réseau Radia.fm.