En direct

*Duuu Radio s’associe à Radio Vilnius le temps de la Saison de la Lituanie en France 2024.


*Duuu Radio invites Radio Vilnius to Paris to produce a radio program, which will be broadcasted simultaneously on both stations on the 20th and the 21st of September. For the program Puota, Audrius Pocius and Deimantė Bulbenkaitė invite Lithuanian artists working in France, and French artists who have organized exhibitions or participated in residencies in Lithuania, as well as participants in the Lithuanian Season in France.

📌 Public opening on Saturday the 21st, at *Duuu’s Studio, 27 rue Barbès, 93100 Montreuil, from 7pm. to 11pm.

Puota w/ Audrius Pocius and Deimantė Bulbenkaitė – Live radio show
DJ sets by Kotryna Briedytė, Audrius Pocius, and Deimantė Bulbenkaitė
Food & Drinks

Manifestation dans le cadre de la Saison de la Lituanie en France 2024

Radia Show 970 : Much (scored out) love, A. by Antrianna Moutoula / Radio Worm
Radia, Radio WORM
Radia (970)
Radia (970)

Chaque mercredi *Duuu diffuse une émission inédite réalisée par l’une des radios du réseau Radia, groupe international informel de radios libres. Radia se veut un espace de réflexion sur la radio et la création radiophonique d’aujourd’hui.

Cette semaine *Duuu diffuse Much (scored out) love, A. d’Antrianna Moutoula pour Radio Worm.

In her performances, Antrianna Moutoula, repeats the same format: a table, a laptop, a projector, and a woman who talks and writes nonstop. In Much (scored out) love, A. her starting point is a series of letters from her family archive, the correspondence of two Greek women with their partners in exile, between 1958 and 1971. The result is an overload of words, thoughts, quotes, memories, transcriptions, and citations, all seeking their own linearity. The performance was developed during Moutoula’s residency in the Creative Lab of CCA Glasgow, a partnership between radio WORM and Radiophrenia Glasgow. This is a 28’ excerpt from the live-to-air performance during Radiophrenia in August 2023.

Antrianna Moutoula (GR, 1994) lives and works in Amsterdam. Primarily language-based her work spans performance, film, radio, and writing. Driven by the desire to articulate the continuous present, her ongoing research focuses on nonstop languaging, an autotheoretical practice in which she performs streams of consciousness by tracing her thoughts through language simultaneously in spoken and written form. By engaging with this practice in various contexts, she aims to contribute to a renegotiation of the confinements of knowledge production within artistic academic discourse. Always seeking ephemeral encounters with necessary others, she explores nonstop languaging as a biweekly radio performance at Radio WORM. Moutoula’s practice is currently supported by the Artist Start Grant of the Mondriaan Fonds (NL).