En direct

Tout au long de son dernier semestre d’existence, l’ésad Valenciennes organise un cycle de rencontres radiodiffusé sur la fin de l’école, en partenariat avec *Duuu Radio.

Ces temps se voudront un espace de réflexion qui accompagnera les actions du corps pédagogique et scolaire sur cette fin qui approche, une absence qui se creuse, les luttes passées et un deuil à venir. Il s’agit de créer des moments de partage et de soutien au sein d’une communauté élargie, de faire l’expérience de fermeture.

Comment bien fermer une école d’art #1 : Le grand saut dans le vide
Sophie Coiffier en discussion avec Sébastien Biniek, Florian Bulou Fezard et Elizabeth Hale

Pour tenter d’y voir plus clair dans ce chaos qui n’en est pas un, voir plutôt d’y trouver les mots, nous nous tournons vers Sophie Coiffier pour démarrer ce cycle de rencontre. Dans son dernier roman, L’exercice du skieur, paru chez L’ire des marges en 2024, il est question des récits qui accompagnent nos paysages en transformation. La lecture de ces paysages disparaissants nous sert alors de métaphore puis de tremplin afin de considérer la transmutation du paysage des écoles d’art et de design territoriales.

En direct mardi 21 janvier à 19h sur *Duuu depuis l’ésad Valenciennes

Radia Show 928 : No Ground by Jen Callaway
Jen Callaway
Radia (18)
Radia (18)

“Jennifer Callaway’s ‘No Ground,’ commissioned for the Radia network’s first broadcast of 2023, is a composition that takes a single 27 minute live improvised recording of a 1940s Bakelite valve radio, and subtly weaves this instrumental base into a patterned sonic fabric with several other musical and sonic elements. It is a delicate meditation on radio as instrument and channeller of the unknown, and a dual love letter to the medium’s long histories of domestic sonic use and its role as gateway to sonic experimentalism.
To ‘ground’ an analogue radio is to earth it, with this process located somewhat literally in the geographic; the ultimate goal being to locate a local frequency bandwidth signal. An improperly earthed radio wanders the dial, never able to fully fix down on one location; it might pick up several signals at once, or none at all. Many contemporary transmission artists and composers have become enamoured with such indeterminate phenomena, in the context of living in the world of digital radio (which in a cultural sense is still radio, but in a material sense is arguably not radio at all), dialing back into the histories of radio through its potential as a physical medium, re-learning the lessons first encountered by the earliest amateurs and their crystal sets, hearing again the sound of the first violin transmitted on the night airwaves, or the frail morse of a maritime signal speaking across the as-yet unlanguaged sea. Here, we are collectively listening back beyond Stockhausen’s Hymnen, which in its prescient beckoning to a global geopolitics in a polyphonic entanglement of nationalisms, was nevertheless a high Modernist composition, grounded within the signals provided by their translation into the anthemic - and monolithic cultural position of the radiophonic. This itself might be one key to listening to Jen’s composition No Ground, as it joins this conversation. A mobility and precariousness found in our contemporary media ecologies moves back into the analogue; the dial is now an ungrounding, that resists the very idea of the signal as a resting place within the sea of noise, it playfully flutters around it, it speaks back to the everyday droning voices found there with not a small amount of humour and transforms them through active listening, not for sense but for sound. It is resolutely un-earthed.”

Sally Ann McIntyre, January 2023.

Jen Callaway is a Naarm/Melbourne (AU) based musician, sound and performance artist, and photographer, raised in various parts of Lutruwita/Tasmania. With a special interest in psychodynamics, hauntology and conservation, current projects include bands Is There a Hotline?, Propolis, Snacks and Hi God People.

Une émission proposée par Jennifer Callaway et Radio One NZ pour le réseau Radia.fm.